Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Make America Great Again

As I woke this morning, I found myself in tears. Actually, they were tears of gladness. My candidate, Donald Trump won the office of President. The election has paid its tole on all of us. Things have been said that perhaps should have been said differently. There were way too many skeletons, on both sides, that had been unburied.

In reality, he wasn't supposed to win. The media had placed the idea that there was no way the Republican Party could when. It was broadcast that the 2016 theme, "Make America Great Again," was weak and meant to split the country. Donald Trump, in comparison to the Democratic running mate, Hillary Clinton, was not fit for the job. As a business man who had never run in any election, his ideas were not "political," to say the least.

It was a shock for most people. A good one, but a shock nevertheless. If I were to say what happened to cause the change, I would say that the Christians in the land finally hit there knees. America is in trouble. Everywhere you look, there are signs that we are no longer the great country we once were. Unrest on the home front has erupted in the racial arena as well as in the laws of immigrantion, homeland political affairs, overseas military issues as well as gun control and major intercity problems of all sizes and shapes. In addition to these overwhelming areas of concern, religious diversity has shown its ugly face in the public schools, sexual revolution, respect for the flag and public prayer.

All of this unrest and all of a sudden, a president was going to change things?  I think not. But, it was something that people could point their fingers at and use as a scapegoat if things did not go well for your party. As the newness and reality of the fact that the Republican Party would now take over, protest has become the overwhelming rant across the Nation. Absurd as it seems, the youngest voters have been the ones shouting the loudest. And, that is their right.

What is not,  is the physical abuse of innocent people,  whose only crime is being on the winning side. It is just this very reaction that that there is such division in the time we now live. The youth of today who have been raised to believe that all they have to do is yell louder than the next man and they will get their way, are assuming that this behavior skill...that has shown promise in their past experiences, will continue to get them what they want. Unfortunately, this is the reason the older generation turned out in mass to he voting booths.

The word says, the foolish man walks in the thoughts of the world...1st Corinthians 3. It is with great hope and prayer that I look to the next 4 years with anticipation. Not that I think Donald Trump has all the answers to the mess we are in. But, I do think that perhaps he will turn the political arena back to the Belief in God,  so that those in charge will take another look at the constitution and why we were formed as a country. Indeed, why we sailed across the seas and what we wanted as a country... a newly formed country.

Again, my hope and prayer is restoration for our country so that we will not be afraid to pray where we stand and return to respect our forefathers and the flag.  Yes, I want to see "America Great Again" and I want to see this transformation in my lifetime.