Monday, June 11, 2018

Strange Comfort

Something is not right with picture...

Today I saw a video on FB of a small child watching TV surrounded by her huge pet snake, a large yellow python.
My initial thought was where are the parents? Don't they know how dangerous this is? But reading further, it appeared that the parents were not opposed and truly thought this snake loved them and would never harm their child. Then my Grandma hat came on and I thought..IGNORANCE is running wild in this house. Following that thought, my spiritual side kicked in and I saw how comfortable this child is with this snake. .... kind of like the comfortable sin of addiction, sex, drugs, alcohol, over eating, gossip etc. etc. etc.
Our God of grace and mercy covers all...but living with a "pet snake" is not only dangerous, but, proper feeding and maintenance of this animal is a FULL TIME JOB. " Snake handling" becomes all we think about. Feeding the snake becomes priority in our daily schedule. A hungry snake is not happy and will eventually require all you have to give...including your God given purpose and destiny...
Challenge for Life... Starve your Snake.. 😘

Strange Experience

Today I had a strange experience...
I live in a small rock house in the middle of town. It sits on an off street where I can often see those less fortunate walk from the store several blocks away. As I watch from my kitchen window, they usually have in their hands what seems to be their daily provisions.. a plastic bag with a few items... only what they are able to carry. Many are the same people walking up and down the street. I ask the lord to bless them as I watch from my kitchen window. They seem to be strangers wandering through what appears to be a struggle of life.
I have no idea where most of them live. But I pray for them as I sometimes think they have no one else.
One of the ladies I have watched for over a year. She seems to come from different directions. I have seen her walking  all over town. On rare occasions, the timing would be such that I would see her on the road as I walked out of my house. At such times, I would wave and say "hello."  She seemed kind of lost and living in her own world. In my my mind, I thought of her as someone living alone.
A few weeks ago, I noticed she had a bandage on her face and several places on her arms. I thought perhaps she had been in an accident or something. Again I silently prayed for her.
Today, "a suddenly " happened. I was puttering around my house, when a heard a  loud knock on the door. That seldom happens as most of my friends and family give a couple light taps on the door and just come on in. This was no light tap. Opening the door, I was shocked to see this lady standing at the door. I was even more shocked to see that the bandage on her face was hiding the HOLE WHERE HER NOSE HAD BEEN.
She had her little bag of what looked like a couple of frozen meals. She hated to ask me but could I please take her home. To make a long story short, this poor lady had developed cancer and had her nose and part of her face removed.
She was so apologetic about asking me, that I was embarrassed. It was hot out side and her cancer treatments had made her unable to walk as much as usual. As she directed me to her house, she mentioned that her nose prostheses was due in a few weeks. She was happy about that.  As I drove up to her run down house, she mentioned that the truck in the driveway was her son's. Evidently he lives with her but does not have insurance.
As I drove away, I said another prayer for her and a special Thank You to God for my many blessings. Thinking about the many strangers that travel up and down my street, makes me again realize that we do not live on an island. Our neighborhood is filled with opportunities for us to extend the hand of God to people we have never met.
I challenge you today to pray for those that pass by you in silence ...and if by chance a stranger knocks on your door, just know that God has placed you in the mission field.
Have a good day πŸ’•πŸŽΆπŸ₯€πŸŽΆπŸ¦‹πŸ’•