Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Loyalty To Country

Just Thinking.. warning.. very long... 👠👠👠
I just finished binge watching a British TV movie called Honorable Woman. I often watch British Made-for-TV-films. Of late there is a lot of Israel/Palestinian/ immigrant content. What I find interesting is the difference in cultural mindset. This particular movie really opened my eyes wide to the idea of generational revenge and how deep it actually goes. Though out each episode you get a glimpse of the depth of deception and betrayal the people brought up in each culture will go through. The loyalty to country over shadows loyalty to family. So much so that honor killings ordered by a father on his own son is not considered betrayal of family but is rather looked on as "anything for the cause of a United country."
In this particular film, the attitude of the US also comes into play. Towards the end there is a scene where a Palestinian man is talking to an Israeli woman. He is admitting to her  what he has done to her family and that it was not to her personally, but it was revenge for all the things done in generations past that his hatred, being buried in loyalty for land and country, will continue on for generations.
I was considering the present day attitude of American people toward their country. The fact that there is so much discontent with just about everything that it has divided our Nation.
Looking back in times past, we the people may have had differences, but when it came time for war, we stood together. Men stood shoulder to shoulder to fight to keep war off of our shores. They may have had a political difference with the soldier fighting next to him or a Marine might fight with an Airman in the bar about which one had the most muscle. But in the war, they all fought together for the Red, White and Blue...regardless of the issues on our land...they fought together for it.
I am an old lady. I have seen many things that have disappointed me about our government. But what I believe will ultimately take us down, is not who is right and who is wrong but the fact that the loyalty of fighting TOGETHER for our country is evaporating before our eyes.
United we stand divided we fall has never held so much meaning. I would hate to think what would happen if a war ever came to us on our own soil. But I continue to pray that the grace of God and his forever mercy, would open our eyes to the priorities of a people who understand the restoration of loyalty to God and country.

Fake News is not New

Just a thought... Fake News is Not New..
I was reading in 2 Samuel 13 today.. you know how it is when you re read something and and something new jumps out at you. Well, that was the case this morning.  I was reading along about how a very bad thing happened to a mans' sister. She was shamed and he carried a grudge about this for several years until he found a way to pay him back by having him murdered. The story is as old as time itself...you hurt me so I will hurt you. That is not what stood out to me this morning.
In the story, ( much paraphrased) there were many of the Kings sons attending the event where the murder occurred. Media news at the time, did not happen quite as fast back then as it does today. So, somehow, the King received the news that All the sons were killed, not just the one. Naturally, this caused quit a reaction. The people all started crying and ripping their clothes, putting on ashes and carrying on as so many deaths at one time affected a great many people. There was of course talk of retaliation. Just at the height of their mourning, they get the News Flash..FAKE NEWS !!! Only one son was murdered. The others are on their way home. Naturally, the real news, although still bad, was not as bad as the fake news.
Today, fake news causes the same intensity...it is meant to cause an immediate stirring of emotions. Anger, injustice, a jump to conclusions are all part of the intended consequences.
The word says there is nothing new under the sun. The use of fake news to cause rioting, murder, protest, all manner of political unrest and a general division of people, governments, churches, families and communities is nothing new. The reactions are the same wether the news is given by someone on horseback or by CNN.
My challenge for you today is to not IMMEDIATELY react. Hard as this is to do, let us all take a step back and remember that regardless of how bad the news is...faked or real...It is not new to God, it has happened before, people have survived and life will continue until the Lord returns.