Every Sunday after church, there is always that little excitement that touches my soul and reminds me that God is who he says he is. I have heard from the preacher and praise reports from others in the crowd about the many promises the Lord has granted. It is easy to believe the words of God when the request has been granted..a job found, a financial windfall or a healing that has been long awaited. What is hard is when I am on the waiting end of the promise to be fulfilled.
When I am awaiting the tests and a bad report comes, am I still excited? It is during this time.. that space where my knees are quaking and I am struggling to believe those same promises.. that my armor starts to rattle. Just such an instance is occurring now. My 12 year old granddaughter, Moriah, has just been found to have a tumor on her liver. That is not supposed to happen to anyone in my life. Not anyone close to me. It only happens to those other people around me..right? It is supposed to happen to others that I pray for... Those to whom I can give a good word. Not someone near and dear to me. Yet it has.
This morning, I found myself crying out to God for his promises to come true in this situation. I asked that in addition to his promises for healing, that his promises for strength be added to Moriah's parents, Rachel and Earl, as they have been forced to lay their daughter on the alter of faith. Knowing them, they would much rather have been laying there themselves. But that is not their part of the journey. Like Abraham was asked to trust in his God and lay down his son Issac, they have to stand on the promises of their God for their child. While Abraham and his son were fighting the fight of faith on the mountain, his friends were waiting down below for their return.
Everyone must walk their own journey...but no one walks it alone. Each of us has a part to play. Perhaps we are the one who encourages the parents to take another step or reminds them that they are they are not alone. Some maybe anointed to bring a casserole to those left at the house. Another may have the financial means to help with the extra expenses required during hospital visits and lost days of work.
Standing on the promises is an opportunity for the whole of Gods church to come together and support each other. Each of us will have our turn fighting the fight of faith in the midst of the battle...no one escapes this forever. But it is my prayer, that each part of the body of Christ, will search their heart and stand collectively on the promises of God to sustain each other.
Be blessed today and remember..He is the same yesterday, today and forever..
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