Monday, September 4, 2017

Listening With Your Heart

Spiritual Nugget for today...
Late last night I was watching God Tv and Heidi Baker was telling a story of her trip to...Somalia, I think...during the Cholera epidemic .. she thought she would go over and just offer some tangible comfort in the form of treats for the suffering children..keeping her distance of course because it was so contagious.
However, when she got over there, the Lord said, no Heidi, I want you to speak life to them, "cheek to cheek. " Now mind you, these children were so infected that they were dripping in urine and feces and cleanliness because the country was so poor. So cheek to cheek meant getting dirt on your hands. These children had been left to die.
As Heidi explains, as she was physically hugging these children, she was speaking life into them..when a doctor walked in, pointed her finger at her and stupid, white foreigner...get out do you want to die with all of these children...get out, get out !!!
Her testimony was that not only did she not leave, but not one child or adult worker died. miraculous of coarse.
The text she used was taken from Exodus 33 which talked about the presence of God and where Moses said I depend on your presence and direction and wisdom to breath.
(I know this is long but please bear with me.)
She was speaking to a conference in Japan. The Holy Spirit was so thick that I could feel it in my living room. These Japanese Christians were hungry for His presence.
As I was reading further down in the text, I noticed verse 16. Various translations say it differently, but basically what it says is, Lord God, if you don't show your favor on us, how are we any different than anyone else...and how will those around us see this difference.  Think about this.
The world is in chaos. We are in a word war...he said..she said. My opinion verses your opinion. The media is full of opinions and theories. So what???
Unless they see a meaningful difference in us...
If we do not have the presence of God in us...there is no difference between us and them.
When Jesus walked this earth, people flocked in crowds to see him.. yes some came in hopes of a cure for their disease. But many came and endured the hot sun and the bugs in the grass and wind and the weather just to be near him. There was no AC or loud speakers.
What do we do just to be near him. I am not talking about going to church every time the doors are open. What do we do in our personal life to sacrifice our time to be near him. So that when we are faced with a hospital full of sick children or even one sick child, we will be so close to him that we will hear him say,
...get close to their disease and speak life into them....touch them with my love.
My challenge for you this week is pray for the fire of God to surround you and make a difference that others can see and know His presence is with you..🔥🔥🔥

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