Saturday, September 23, 2017

NOTES from the Desk of Ms. Debbie..
Recently I have been bombarded with petitions for prayer on behalf of friends and their adolescent children. It seems like the evil of the world has come to take over and it has planted seed in the fertile soil of our precious children. As a senior citizen who has raise a few  of my own, I would like to encourage those who are walking this road today.

As long as time as been recorded, the enemy has desired to take the younger generation. But even as the years have come and gone, the next generation as risen above the chaos and confusion to eventually make their parents proud. Godly parents have sought the Lord on knees of prayer for generations.
One of the few things my late husband and I did right was to bring our children to him in prayer daily..TOGETHER...because of this, the enemy had to work twice as hard to destroy the good plans laid up in the heavens for our children and grandchildren...
I am here to admonish you to continue bringing your children to the alter each morning. (Regardless of what your eyes see in the natural.) Hold them up to him in thanksgiving and remind yourself of the words spoken in Hebrews 13:8..Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever...What he has done for the Abraham, David, Paul and Peter..He will do for you!!

That said, the following is one of my most resent devotions published in the summer issue of "the Secret Place." Take heart in the fact that what you may see in your children today is just the beginning of a process...the best is yet to come.!!!  Have a great day in the promises of the Lord!

Don't Give Up

Galatians 6:9                            

Thought For Today: Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

 Many years ago, my son was going through a difficult transition between adolescence and adulthood. I saw no hope that he would ever grow up and be the positive person I had planned for him. I grew weary with the hope that he would ever change his ways and become a functional member of the community.

Raising a child can be a strain..especially when the child thinks they are already raised. All those nights praying that he would make it home safely, eventually panned out and he has made me proud. He has a good job and family, is respectful to others and loves the Lord.

 God is a lot like a parent. He will stay with us no matter how long it takes. He will watch over us knowing that, like the prodigal, in due season, we will come home.

 Prayer: Lord, help me to not grow weary in doing good. Remind me that in due season you will make all things turn out right for those who love you.

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