Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Loyalty To Country

Just Thinking.. warning.. very long... πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 
I just finished binge watching a British TV movie called Honorable Woman. I often watch British Made-for-TV-films. Of late there is a lot of Israel/Palestinian/ immigrant content. What I find interesting is the difference in cultural mindset. This particular movie really opened my eyes wide to the idea of generational revenge and how deep it actually goes. Though out each episode you get a glimpse of the depth of deception and betrayal the people brought up in each culture will go through. The loyalty to country over shadows loyalty to family. So much so that honor killings ordered by a father on his own son is not considered betrayal of family but is rather looked on as "anything for the cause of a United country."
In this particular film, the attitude of the US also comes into play. Towards the end there is a scene where a Palestinian man is talking to an Israeli woman. He is admitting to her  what he has done to her family and that it was not to her personally, but it was revenge for all the things done in generations past that his hatred, being buried in loyalty for land and country, will continue on for generations.
I was considering the present day attitude of American people toward their country. The fact that there is so much discontent with just about everything that it has divided our Nation.
Looking back in times past, we the people may have had differences, but when it came time for war, we stood together. Men stood shoulder to shoulder to fight to keep war off of our shores. They may have had a political difference with the soldier fighting next to him or a Marine might fight with an Airman in the bar about which one had the most muscle. But in the war, they all fought together for the Red, White and Blue...regardless of the issues on our land...they fought together for it.
I am an old lady. I have seen many things that have disappointed me about our government. But what I believe will ultimately take us down, is not who is right and who is wrong but the fact that the loyalty of fighting TOGETHER for our country is evaporating before our eyes.
United we stand divided we fall has never held so much meaning. I would hate to think what would happen if a war ever came to us on our own soil. But I continue to pray that the grace of God and his forever mercy, would open our eyes to the priorities of a people who understand the restoration of loyalty to God and country.

Fake News is not New

Just a thought... Fake News is Not New..
I was reading in 2 Samuel 13 today.. you know how it is when you re read something and and something new jumps out at you. Well, that was the case this morning.  I was reading along about how a very bad thing happened to a mans' sister. She was shamed and he carried a grudge about this for several years until he found a way to pay him back by having him murdered. The story is as old as time itself...you hurt me so I will hurt you. That is not what stood out to me this morning.
In the story, ( much paraphrased) there were many of the Kings sons attending the event where the murder occurred. Media news at the time, did not happen quite as fast back then as it does today. So, somehow, the King received the news that All the sons were killed, not just the one. Naturally, this caused quit a reaction. The people all started crying and ripping their clothes, putting on ashes and carrying on as so many deaths at one time affected a great many people. There was of course talk of retaliation. Just at the height of their mourning, they get the News Flash..FAKE NEWS !!! Only one son was murdered. The others are on their way home. Naturally, the real news, although still bad, was not as bad as the fake news.
Today, fake news causes the same intensity...it is meant to cause an immediate stirring of emotions. Anger, injustice, a jump to conclusions are all part of the intended consequences.
The word says there is nothing new under the sun. The use of fake news to cause rioting, murder, protest, all manner of political unrest and a general division of people, governments, churches, families and communities is nothing new. The reactions are the same wether the news is given by someone on horseback or by CNN.
My challenge for you today is to not IMMEDIATELY react. Hard as this is to do, let us all take a step back and remember that regardless of how bad the news is...faked or real...It is not new to God, it has happened before, people have survived and life will continue until the Lord returns.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Strange Comfort

Something is not right with picture...

Today I saw a video on FB of a small child watching TV surrounded by her huge pet snake, a large yellow python.
My initial thought was where are the parents? Don't they know how dangerous this is? But reading further, it appeared that the parents were not opposed and truly thought this snake loved them and would never harm their child. Then my Grandma hat came on and I thought..IGNORANCE is running wild in this house. Following that thought, my spiritual side kicked in and I saw how comfortable this child is with this snake. .... kind of like the comfortable sin of addiction, sex, drugs, alcohol, over eating, gossip etc. etc. etc.
Our God of grace and mercy covers all...but living with a "pet snake" is not only dangerous, but, proper feeding and maintenance of this animal is a FULL TIME JOB. " Snake handling" becomes all we think about. Feeding the snake becomes priority in our daily schedule. A hungry snake is not happy and will eventually require all you have to give...including your God given purpose and destiny...
Challenge for Life... Starve your Snake.. 😘

Strange Experience

Today I had a strange experience...
I live in a small rock house in the middle of town. It sits on an off street where I can often see those less fortunate walk from the store several blocks away. As I watch from my kitchen window, they usually have in their hands what seems to be their daily provisions.. a plastic bag with a few items... only what they are able to carry. Many are the same people walking up and down the street. I ask the lord to bless them as I watch from my kitchen window. They seem to be strangers wandering through what appears to be a struggle of life.
I have no idea where most of them live. But I pray for them as I sometimes think they have no one else.
One of the ladies I have watched for over a year. She seems to come from different directions. I have seen her walking  all over town. On rare occasions, the timing would be such that I would see her on the road as I walked out of my house. At such times, I would wave and say "hello."  She seemed kind of lost and living in her own world. In my my mind, I thought of her as someone living alone.
A few weeks ago, I noticed she had a bandage on her face and several places on her arms. I thought perhaps she had been in an accident or something. Again I silently prayed for her.
Today, "a suddenly " happened. I was puttering around my house, when a heard a  loud knock on the door. That seldom happens as most of my friends and family give a couple light taps on the door and just come on in. This was no light tap. Opening the door, I was shocked to see this lady standing at the door. I was even more shocked to see that the bandage on her face was hiding the HOLE WHERE HER NOSE HAD BEEN.
She had her little bag of what looked like a couple of frozen meals. She hated to ask me but could I please take her home. To make a long story short, this poor lady had developed cancer and had her nose and part of her face removed.
She was so apologetic about asking me, that I was embarrassed. It was hot out side and her cancer treatments had made her unable to walk as much as usual. As she directed me to her house, she mentioned that her nose prostheses was due in a few weeks. She was happy about that.  As I drove up to her run down house, she mentioned that the truck in the driveway was her son's. Evidently he lives with her but does not have insurance.
As I drove away, I said another prayer for her and a special Thank You to God for my many blessings. Thinking about the many strangers that travel up and down my street, makes me again realize that we do not live on an island. Our neighborhood is filled with opportunities for us to extend the hand of God to people we have never met.
I challenge you today to pray for those that pass by you in silence ...and if by chance a stranger knocks on your door, just know that God has placed you in the mission field.
Have a good day πŸ’•πŸŽΆπŸ₯€πŸŽΆπŸ¦‹πŸ’•

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Broken Together

The Myth....
Thanks to the movies, the myth of the knight in shining armor, riding in on a white horse to save the damsel in distress has, for many become the dream of this generations newlyweds. However, in most cases it still just a lovely myth.
When I hear the words to this song, (Broken Together by Casting Crowns,) I think about the ups and downs of the 40 year struggle my husband and I had. I will have been widowed 10 years this November. Remembering the highs and lows of our marriage is kind of like reading a novel about two lovers who had stars in their eyes but never gave up when the glitter became tarnished.
Our mutual trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ, is what kept us together.... not the romance  or the children or even our ultimate unconditional love for each.
As my own grandchildren are just beginning to step into this season of life, I would pray that they look a little deeper than the fairy tale wedding and ask themselves if this is the man/woman, that I can lean on if the going gets rough ????

Monday, March 19, 2018

Say Something

Yesterday after church, I ran into Walmart to pick up a few things. As usual the place was filled with the after church families doing the same thing. But in and amongst the crowd, there were those families just trying to get through the isle without a melt down of their small children.
I feel for these families. Most have not had the discipline and training themselves...yet alone the ability to pass along positive corrective behavior. However, I got a real surprise and a spiritual "jab" at my jaded perspective of this generation.
Standing in the freezer food isle, I heard a commotion up ahead of me. A child of about 2 1/2 was screaming, as only a small child can do.. lol. I really didn't know exactly what was going on but something in me knew I needed to pay attention.
The child, with lifted hands over head kept screaming.."hold me ... hold me..."
The young father was about 25-28, scruffy looking, unshaven and appeared to be very tired. He had a list in his hand and was going over it with the wife. The basket was partially filled. Not sure what the background story on this was, but she was either sick or overwhelmed..at any rate the father seemed intent on helping her make some decisions...all the while, this child was screaming and causing those of us in the isle to be a little uneasy.
All of a sudden, this man turned to this child and calmly said, " I told you when you wanted to get out of the basket that you would have to walk. I could not carry you." The child continued to scream.."hold me." I expected to see him pick her up and carry her...giving in to the demands of the child....as I see so often in young parents.
But then I saw him do something I rarely see in public. Ignoring the frustration of the other shoppers around him, he bent down and said..."walking or back in the cart...which will it be..." she said "hold me"...again, I expected him to pick her up and start carrying her just to alleviate the screaming.
But, he didn't. He just picked her up and put her in the basket. ..no easy task for trying to get a mad, screaming child with legs flailing into the leg holes of the basket. But he did this calmly...without talking to the child .. not reminding her that she had made her decision..just being consistent to the consequences of what he had told the child. Then he went back to helping his wife.
I know I was standing there with my mouth open.  The child quickly quit crying, knowing...even at her young age that she had made her decision. I don't know where this young man was taught these skills , but being early childhood specialist, I was very impressed.
The isle quickly cleared out and we all went about our business. As I continued on my way, I had a spiritual nudge to compliment this young father on how he handled this frustrating situation in front of the audience of shoppers.
So I turned around and located him. I told him I was proud of the way he had handled the situation and to have a blessed day. By the way, the little girl still had tears in her eyes, but she was sitting quietly...lesson learned.
As an older adult, I sometimes cringe at the inconsistency of the parenting skills of this generation.. but I would challenge you that if you see a young parent "doing it right," to say something. Many have no model to pull from and are just doing the best they can.
Have a great day.. !!!!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Testimony Time

In biblical times people heard about the the power and mercy and faithfulness of God through stories handed down trough the generations...the flood..the dividing of the Red Sea...the Manna for food...the raising of the dead etc..etc. when I was growing up, I remember times set apart on Wednesday nights for personal testimony.
As a young child, I remember loving the retelling  of these personal testimonies and took them to heart as a contemporary foundation that God Is Alive. Jesus Christ did die but rose...he doesn't just live in my heart in some dark, unknown space where I can't see him. He is Spirit and Truth...and I can depend on him in my personal life, because I saw him come alive in the personal testaments of my elders.
Having seen this once common part of the "church" experience be extinguished because of a variety of reasons ...but mostly because the pastors could not control the exuberance and length of their flocks personal experiences... (another nail in the box God has been put in.)
Is it any wonder that the youth of today have decided that God is dead...they have never seen him live 😫😩
I have experienced many, many personal testimonies and try to pass them on to my children and grandchildren as truth that the spirit of God lives ...today , just as it did yesterday and we can count on it for tomorrow.
That said, I would like to hear from other Facebook Friends in the retelling of what God has saved you from, directed you in a miraculous way or otherwise reminded you ...He Is Alive.   I will start you off ...
Somewhere around the year of 1985, my husband and I, along with my daughters Rachel Holloway Moore and Maegan Combs were returning from a visit with family in West Virginia. We left early in the morning because we had to be back at our job as houseparents at the Boys Ranch in Batesville, Ark. that evening.
Coming down from the mountains at that time in the morning, the fog was so think, we could not see very far ahead of us.
All of a sudden, like a horrible nightmare. We saw standing the road before us, a small child. His clothing was torn, bloody and he he stood perfectly still in the middle of the road in front of us...on the highway. Too this day, I still remember his face, surrounded by the thick fog. My husband Dan, was an excellent driver, but there is no way, he kept from hitting that child, except by the protection of the hand of God. There was no car that we could see by the side of the road...where had this child come from????
He was obviously in shock and kept on saying, "am I going to die?" Finally, I was able to calm him down enough to find out that the car he was in, had gone off the road and down a ravine. Mind you, this was before cell phones.
We seemed to be the only ones on the road at the time. So, we put this small boy in the car with my daughters and Dan and I started looking in this thick fog..as best we could for w where the car went over. Finally we found it. We made it down the small ravine and found the car. It had obviously turned over several times. The mother was alive but pinned. We told her that her little boy was safe and that we would try to go for help. She thanked us but then said " could you see about my twin girls. They were in the back seat, and I can't hear them."  I about fainted...there was alkinds of luggage and household goods in the back seat...but I didn't readily see or hear any baby.
So, I started slowly pulling what "stuff" I could reach out of the car....All the while trying to keep the mother calm . Then I saw the first one. Remember. This was before mandatory car seats.) She was laying calmly...eyes wide open...on top of a fluffy pile of blankets..I prefer to think she had been held by angels wings until the car stopped rolling.
I carefully pulled her out and climbed with her up the ravine and put her in a very surprised Rachel's' lap.( Rachel was about 12 at the time.) Then I turned around and went back for the 2nd baby. Meanwhile, my husband Dan, was trying to stop someone to find a phone and alert the police of the situation.
Back at the wreck site, I continued to carefully sift through the car stuff to locate another 6wk old baby...praying all the time that she would not be in pieces. Finally, I heard a very weak cry. Again, I found a best,tiny little girl tucked within some padding of laundry. There appeared to be some blood on the clothing and she was asleep or unconscious...I didn't know. As careful as I could, I took her out from her little "safe place.
Just as I placed the 2nd twin in Maegans lap, I could hear sirens in the distance. To make a Long, long story short, the medical people came, got the mom out of the car and put her and the children in the same ambulance. According to the paramedics, it appeared they all were going to be ok. Turns out, this family was moving to another state. The dad was already there.
There were so many things that could have gone wrong in this situation. But God directed our every move. The Angels of protection were in place for all of us.
This is just one of many times where I was convinced that God is real...he is alive and will direct us while protecting us.
Now it is your turn...tell us all one of your testimonies of who God is.
The world wants to be reminded that God Is Not Dead !!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I Am Loved

I am loved
As a worshiper, I often awake with a song in my heart. This morning, "You Are On My Side" surrounded my spirit. The lord knows me so well. February is a hard month for me. It is the month of my anniversary. We were married 40 years and it has been almost ten years since his trip to the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't dwell on it. I know I will take that trip soon. But, earthly seasons are often a reminder. Valentines Day is one of those. It was Dan's favorite holiday. He would plan for it ahead of time, not only remembering me but his daughters also.
This song reminds me that I am not alone. I am Spirit and in my seasons of grief, the lord is with me...to sit beside me and grieve with me, while at the same time, he comforts me. While many celebrate this day with the loves of their life, some of us must remember ours as if watching through the review mirror.
I would challenge those in this later category, to grieve for a time for what was...but then, like King David of old, rise up from your sorrow and take your position as a child of the King. Continue on your journey to fulfill your purpose and destiny. You are never alone...He Is Always By Your Side.

See more from ..words in season

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Even If

Comments after listening to Even If...by Mercy Me

I am in tears of rememberance...about  15 years ago, the Lord had blessed me beyond measure... He had walked me through a wilderness and showed me how to build a company from scratch to receive two million a year in income. As CEO of this non-profit, God showed me step by step how to do this. I had gone from poverty to ownership of a brand new Eddie Bauer With all the bells and whistles, a beautiful home on the lake with a pool, I had my health and luxuries beyond my wildest imagination. I knew who I was in Christ and gave God the glory for all my blessings. One night I was speaking at our church about the faith walk. I mentioned it was only by faith that I had been so blessed, but that I would hope that if, like Job, all my blessings suddenly came crashing done around me, I would still be able to have faith and trust in my God and savior.  No longer had those words left my lips, than I felt the "knowing" in my spirit. My words were going to be tested by fire. Within a year, I had lost everything... vehicle, house, health, company, reputation and  most of my "friends" all gone. Unlike Job, my family stood with me  ... without their strength and encouragement, I would not have survived.
This song is an encouragement to all my FB friends that are going through the Fire of testing. You will survive. Things may not look like they did before the flames of your situation, but like so many of the biblical patriarchs...their story would have had no meaning if they had lived a life with no ashes. I would like to encourage you by saying  that regardless of what you eyes see ...ignore the flames...they are just an illusion to make you dispair and give up. Take hold of the truth that God is in the fire with you...just keep walking...this too shall pass and THE BEST IS YET TO COME. πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Masterpiece In Progress

Challenge For Today: Remind yourself...the Masterpiece is still in progress....
Love this...as I listened I was reminded of David the king... so many remember him as wonderful ruler and see only the crown he wore. Yet, let us not forget his journey of ups and downs. He was praised as he took down Goliath yet, he was betrayed, starved, found hiding in a cave, had to pretend insanity and paid the consequences for moral sin. Yet, he was called a friend of God.
We are seen as a beautiful picture from the perspective of where God sits. But the journey from that first stroke of paint on the canvas to the completed picture, requires a lot of mixing of the colors of paint before it becomes a masterpiece.
See more of Deborah at hadassah-wordsinseason.blogspot.com