Friday, October 6, 2017

Heart Change..Not Law Change

And so another horrific, mass shooting has claimed many young lives in a concert gathering in Las Vegas. As usual, immediately following this announcement came the rise of voices claiming more gun laws. This is my thought on this issue as posted on my Facebook site.
Just a thought....
Las Vegas is another wake up call..over the years there have been many... mass murders..mean people taking out their issues on innocents. The media always follows with, what was the motive.
Motive, Really??? In the real world, why do we need to look for a motive to be evil to others? It is none other than the depravity of man. Evil can be seen as early as the first murder in the accounting of Cain and Able. Reality is that motive, starts in the heart. It cannot be law enforced.
Let us go back in time....way back to the cross. The people who just a week prior, thought Jesus was the " best thing since sliced bread." Praising him and telling him how wonderful he was...they expressed it from the bottom of their hearts.
Yet, it was those same people, reacting from those same fickle hearts, that expressed such horrific protesting and ultimate demand for murder of an innocent man...our very own Jesus. Times have not changed, because hearts are still evil. Laws cannot change evil at its core. They can make us feel safer, but when evil raises its ugly head, no earthly law will stop it. It is only by the blood of the cross, that any of us can have a heart change.

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